Site icon Cass Dunn


Psychologist, Coach, Author & Podcaster


Let me introduce myself

This feels a little self-indulgent but people ALWAYS ask me how I came to be doing what I’m doing. So here’s the story.

TL;DR? Jump straight to the wrap up

I’ll start (sort of) at the beginning…

When I left school I couldn’t decide between journalism and psychology. I opted for journalism with a psychology elective and within the first semester I knew I had to change majors because I loved my psychology course so much.

(I REALLY liked to write but learning to write newspaper headlines made my eyeballs bleed.)

After my undergraduate degree, I was keen to get out into the real world (read: make money) so I spent time working with homeless and disadvantaged young people until I got my first full-time job in child protection and juvenile justice. It was a tough job. After a couple of years, I transitioned to working in youth unemployment (note: way cushier, way more pay. Those child protection people deserve MEDALS).

Life chugged along and, as is the case for many people – I wasn’t actively choosing my path and so my path led me places I never planned to go. At 27, I found myself managing the international student program for one of the largest educational institutions in Queensland.


Um, what?

How did I get here?

It was a lovely, shiny job and I wore nice suits and jet-setted off overseas regularly, so I was the envy of a lot of my friends but deep down, that job never made me happy. I knew in my heart that I wanted to go back to my first love, which was psychology, but to do that I’d need to go back to postgraduate study.

And at that point, I’d created a lifestyle that didn’t allow me to study full time. I know lots of people find themselves feeling stuck, just like I felt.


When I was newly married, my husband took a job interstate and I was forced to leave my job.

We moved to Sydney and I took some time out.

That was truly a transformative time, allowing me space to reflect on my values and my purpose in life and take back control of my career direction.

I enrolled in the University of Sydney’s brand spanking new Masters of Coaching Psychology and set up my Life Coaching business, “Soul Purpose Personal Coaching”. Two years later, I had a Masters degree, a thriving coaching practice – and was pregnant with our daughter!

After Annabelle was born in 2006…

I again had the opportunity to reflect on my values and life direction.

 I couldn’t dismiss the nagging feeling that my psychology journey was unfinished. (Maybe you’ve felt that way about unfulfilled dreams in your own life?)

I knew in my heart what I needed to do, so I took a very deep breath, and threw myself back into another three years of postgraduate study (with a baby on my hip) to get my Masters in Clinical Psychology.


(The complete story includes another two interstate moves, a spiritual journey leading me through various types of meditation and ultimately Buddhist philosophy / psychology, and a couple of years spent creating, running and selling an online retail store in my abundant spare time).

After establishing and running my private psychology practice in Brisbane for 5 years, we made another bold decision – this time to sell our city house and make a ‘tree/sea change’ so that I could pursue another dream – to rescue a menagerie of farm animals.

We arrived in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast hinterland in 2015.

I knew I wanted to write a book….

So I started a blog (as you do)

From that little blog, big things grew

I was invited to contribute content to online wellbeing platforms.

I became the resident psychologist on Tiffiny Hall’s online fitness program.

Tiff and I created a podcast, which has gone on to be one of the most popular shows in Australia.

I was invited to speak on stages to hundreds of people.


And I was commissioned to write a series of books.

You could say the rest
is history

What I do now

I’m a podcaster, author, online course creator, speaker and workshop facilitator.

But first and foremost, I’m a clinical & coaching psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher.

I use my platform to help people make positive, meaningful & lasting changes in their lives using “4th Wave” approaches: mindfulness, compassion, body-based therapies and positive psychology.

I offer online courses in Mindfulness and Happiness, and I’ve recently created a new group coaching program all about overcoming imposter syndrome and cultivating self-confidence and self-belief.

I run retreats a couple of times a year and I’m available to teach workshops or present seminars.

Hit me up on email if you can’t find what you’re looking for here on the website.

Work 1:1 with Cass


Creating the self-confidence you want, cultivating a mindfulness practice or even just reducing your stress and anxiety is an ongoing process. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle – not when you have all my years of clinical psychology experience at your disposal! Book a call to discuss your goals and find out if 1:1 coaching is the right fit for you.

Book a call with cass

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send me an email

The boring, formal bit

my qualifications

MPsyc (Clinical)
MSc (Coach Psyc)
PostGrad Dip Psyc (with distinction)
BAppSc (Applied Psyc)

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