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Visualise success: create a vision board!

dream big

It’s that time of year again when I reflect on the year that’s just been and think about my goals for the year ahead. I’ve written before about my aversion to making New Year’s Resolutions and the things I like to do instead.  This year I’ve decided to do something I haven’t done in years (in fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever really done it properly) and that is to create a vision board.

Recently it seemed that everywhere I turned I saw vision boards and everyone seemed to be talking about them so I took that as a sign and promptly went out and bought me the prettiest darned vision board I could find (not just any old cork board for me!!)

If you don’t know what a vision board is, it’s simply a collage of images and words representing your vision for the future. If your goal is to have a tropical island holiday, you cut out a picture of the exact beach you want to be lying on next summer and you whack it on your vision board. You can add inspirational quotes, souvenirs from places you’ve been, or anything that makes you feel happy and inspired. It’s a really fun and creative way to motivate you towards your goals.  

Vision board available from Kikki-K

Some people believe that by looking at their vision board every day,  the law of attraction will manifest these things into their life. But even if you aren’t into the manifestation idea, the power of visualising success isn’t a new one in psychology. It’s called mental rehearsal and athletes do it all the time.

So how do you create a vision board?

All you need is some kind of pin board or magnetic board (or cardboard and glue if that works or you!)  Like I said, I bought my board from Kikki-K, which is a stationery shop here in Australia. They also very cleverly stock little packs of inspirational quotes, push-pins, string and mini-pegs to help get you started.

Then the fun part begins. Go online or start cutting up your magazines. Find the words and images that  speak to you and represent your inspiring vision. There are no rules!

Some people like to cover every inch of their vision board whereas I like mine clean and uncluttered. You might want to leave space to add things later or complete your board all at once.

Don’t let small thinking get in your way. If you want to share a stage with Oprah, cut out an Oprah picture and glue yourself onto the couch next to her. If you want to cross the finish line in the Hawaiian Ironman, literally stick yourself into that picture. My vision board has a bit of a New York theme at the moment with both ‘NY Times Bestseller’ and ‘Finisher NYC Marathon’ taking prominent position. (We’re not about what’s sensible or realistic here but what’s possible, even if it’s in your wildest dreams!)

I was at an event recently that was MC’d by a female radio host. She told a story of cutting out her own head and glueing it onto the body of the person whose job she wanted and sticking that onto her vision board. Seems a bit voodoo-ish but hey – it’s no-one else’s vision board but your own. As it happens, she got a call out of the blue a month or so ago offering her an amazing opportunity, in keeping with her voodoo vision.

When you’re done, hang your vision board somewhere you will see it every day. The idea is that by looking at it regularly, you never lose sight of the future you want to create. Your vision board should make you feel happy, excited and continually motivated to work towards your goals.

If you decide to create a vision board, I’d love to hear about it. Good luck and have fun!

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